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Motorola Gp340 programming software for MOTOROLA GP340 Motorola's recently released GP340 features two of the most important developments in military computer communication: an internal wireless connectivity system and asymmetrical digital baseband. These technologies allow the various components of the system to work with each other, providing unprecedented capabilities of communication without relying on networks or repeaters. The main focus in Motorola's GP340 is its use in military applications such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground force command posts, and battlefield networks. Motorola provides an in-depth explanation of the GP340 in its latest product training videos on YouTube, but it may be difficult for larger companies to train employees on the special features of the GP340. For this reason, Motorola has also created a battery of programs designed to allow Motorola's software engineers to quickly create support applications for their new technology. The Gp340 program is one among these devices, and it has been designed with specific Motorola's development team in mind. The Gp340 software is available on two platforms:The Commander is intended for testing large amounts of data, where speed of execution is important. This platform can be used for applications that require various modules testing and debugging procedures. It ships with a number of applications for testing applications in field units, including the RF modem RFIC units, keypads, and the CPU. The Phone is intended for individual test work on specific units. It has smaller storage capacity than the Commander unit, but it is more easily transportable. It is equipped with access to all the Gp340 development tools, allowing users to create programs for testing anything from application language to modules inside the CPU. Motorola's Gp340 program ships with various Motorola's integrated development environments (IDE):The IDEs are based on Motorola's Smartphone system programmer IDE shipped with all its smart phones under Android software. The Gp340 software supports common, but also specific Motorola's serial communication protocols, which are used for implementing the GP340 architecture. The Gp340 development software also includes an emulator, which allows users to test their programs without connecting the CPU units. This is particularly useful for testing internal CPU unit programs. The Gp340 software is compatible with Windows 7 (32/64 bit). Motorola has indicated that they have no plans to support Windows XP or Vista. This limits the number of systems that can run the software, even though it does provide a program for installing a virtualized environment of Windows XP for a 32 bit processor. However a hack has been developed to bypass this block and allow LPCE to be installed on 64 bit windows 7 machines. eccc085e13